
No warning without prior contact!

In case any contents or presentations on this website may violate the rights of third parties or legal provisions, please contact us without cost note. Rightfully complained passages will be removed immediately, so the engagement of a legal advice from your side wouldn't be necessary.

Nevertheless, we will reject any without prior contact generated costs by you and if necessary take legal action.

Contentwise responsible person in according to §5 and §6 of the Digitale-Dienste-Gesetzes

hijob GmbH

Anna-Schneider-Steig 2
50678 Cologne
HRB 84829 Köln
Ust-IdNr.: DE 301188068
Phone: +49 221 - 64 30 44 70
Modays to Fridays from 10:00 to 5:00

Contentwise responsible person according to § 55 (2) RStV
René Tillmann

René Tillmann, Daniel Schaffeld

Data protection officer
Amin Negm-Awad
Lawyer for IT and media law
Data protection officer
Goebenstraße 3
50672 Cologne

Liability notice

We are not liable for the contents of external links, although they are all checked contentwise. Only operators are liable for the content of linked websites.

The hijob GmbH is the sole holder of the collected data from this website. We collect information that help us to improve our service for you. The information will not be passed on without your agreement, which is not included in this statement, except we think in good faith it is necessary for legal reasons or to ensure the rights and property of hijob GmbH or if the personal security of the employees or the public is in danger.

Concept and realization

hijob GmbH


500px, Shutterstock, freepic, fotolia