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We are looking for a Revenue Operations Country Lead (m/w/d).We need to bring in a Revenue Operations leader for each country, who will report into and coordinate with the Group Revenue Operations Director, whilst always bringing a focus on their region to ensure Revenue Operations processes, best practise, reporting, data, enablement, and systems are all effective in their market. They will also help rollout new processes and systems and helping coordinate training and enablement needs as required.


  • Ensuring Revenue Operations processes are followed, maintained and accurate in all areas (specifically CRM)
  • Helping lead forecast calls and process
  • Monitoring and analysis of sales, marketing and customer performance insights: dashboards, revenue forecasting, pipeline analysis, segmentation and account assignments, business reviews, win rates, etc.
  • Ensuring quality and accuracy of quoting process and regularly feeding back to areas for improvement and helping lead process development
  • Support in designing, executing and helping calculate commission plans
  • Working closely with finance around all things Revenue Operations and with the Salesforce CRM team on improvements
  • Developing CPQ to help with pricing, quoting, approvals etc.
  • Being able to understand business needs and translate them into IT requirements and the other way around


  • 30 days of vacation and off-duty on December 24 and 31
  • Work-life balance through flexible and mobile working
  • Future-oriented workplace in the growth segment of IT solutions on a stable foundation
  • Room for personal development through individual training
  • JobRad for work and leisure

About Aareon

Aareon is the leading provider of ERP software and digital solutions for the European property industry and its partners. The IT company is a subsidiary of Aareal Bank AG, which holds 70 percent of its shares. The remaining 30 percent are held by Advent International. The Aareon Group is digitalising the property management by offering user-oriented software solutions that simplify and automate processes, support sustainable and energy-efficient operations and interconnect all process participants. Research and development activities of Aareon pursue a collaborative approach in which the technology leader’s knowledge and expertise meet with the needs and requirements of its clients. This results in solutions that help make peoples’ lives and work easier and enable companies to realise new value-creation potential. Across Europe more than 7,000 clients manage approximately 12 million units. The Aareon Group has a presence with offices in the DACH region, Finland, France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden and employs more than 2,000 people. In 2021, Aareon recorded revenue of €269 million and generated adjusted EBITDA of €67 million.
» learn more about Aareon

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