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To enhance our team at our Head Office in Erlensee or at another site within the region we are looking for a Strategic IT Business Partner for the region Germany & Switzerland.


  • Build and sustain business relationships based on mutual trust and demonstrated value:
  • Identify key business stakeholders
  • define and execute relevant engagement plans
  • Identify key business forums
  • secure a seat at the table and be the voice of IT Influence, shape and prioritize the technology strategy and change roadmap
  • Influence, shape and prioritize the technology strategy and change roadmap:
  • Gain a deep understanding of the strategic business priorities and use technology to be an enabler for them
  • Influence and align local, regional, divisional and global strategic agenda
  • Pro-actively identify innovative solutions for IT to drive the business forward
  • Work in collaboration with business stakeholders and the rest of the IT organization to develop and maintain change roadmaps that are endorsed by both the business and IT
  • Responsible for the development of sound business cases
  • Be a consultant to our business in terms of the available technology in the external market-place
  • Take accountability for the delivery of projects and services into the Packaging Central business:
  • Ensure the proper governance is in place for all projects and services where both IT solution / service delivery and business stakeholders know what to expect from each other and collaborate effectively
  • Ensure any changes to time, cost and scope of projects are managed through the proper governance
  • Liaise with other regional, division and Group business partners in terms of common service issues to ensure proper prioritization by the IT Operations organization
  • Ensures regular and timely updates on IT strategy and IT enabling initiatives to the business and to the IT leadership teams on business strategy and drivers and translating business language into IT requirements
  • Communication / Collaboration:
  • Systematically captures IT customer satisfaction through various mechanisms such as interviews or surveys
  • Ensures on-going engagement with other Regional, Divisional and Group business partners with aim to build potential synergies, leverage capabilities, and explore opportunities for sharing


We offer you an exciting and diversified area of responsibility within a qualified and dynamic team as well as a positive working atmosphere. An individual initial training plan will ensure DS Smith – INTERNAL an ideal start. Your commitment will be honored by an attractive reward package and good social benefits as company pension.

About DS Smith

DS Smith ist einer der weltweit führenden Anbieter von Well­papp­ver­packungen, mit Akti­vitäten in den Bereichen Recycling und Papier­herstellung. Das Unternehmen hat seinen Haupt­sitz in London und ist im FTSE 100 gelistet. Fokussiert auf die Entwicklung von inno­vativen und nachhaltigen Display- und Verpackungslösungen, ist DS Smith in 34 Ländern aktiv und beschäftigt weltweit rund 30.000 Mit­arbeiter.
» learn more about DS Smith

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