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Entdecke, welche Chancen in deinem Lebenslauf stecken.

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Chemovator is the business incubator of BASF. We provide a protected space to build commercial ventures from unconventional ideas. Our Venture Teams take full ownership of their idea, creatively explore their business, learn fast and pivot beyond corporate boundaries. One of our key success factors is a robust and high-quality flow of business ideas and prospective Venture Teams towards Chemovator. We are looking for a motivated student to join our journey. Are you the right one to explore the BASF landscape with the aim to strengthen our venture pipeline and unlock unrealized business potential?


  • You analyze the BASF internal innovation & ideation landscape to identify business ideas suitable for business incubation
  • You prepare, plan and conduct interviews with relevant internal or external partners
  • You develop a strategic approach to engage with different stakeholder groups within BASF, e.g. R&D departments or operational divisions, to direct new proposals towards Chemovator
  • You take full ownership of your results and consolidate them in a holistic concept to strengthen our venture pipeline


  • A working student position for minimum 6 months (15-20h/week) with a competitive salary and the unique possibility to work within an inspiring start-up environment to further develop your own skill-set and to celebrate success together
  • The opportunity to help bring the business incubation program of a world leading corporation to the next level by establishing a strong flow of business proposals
  • A steady interaction and dialogue with experienced experts from two worlds – corporate BASF and our wide external network
  • Flexible working time as well as usual perks of a company in the startup environment: free drinks, joint after work activities and inspiring atmosphere within an unconventional location in Mannheim

About Chemovator

Chemovator is the business incubator of BASF. We provide a protected space to build commercial ventures from unconventional ideas. We serve as a platform for creative, market-focused business incubation, where our Venture Teams take full ownership of their idea, learn fast and pivot when needed.
» learn more about Chemovator

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